Saturday, August 7, 2010

University of Cebu
Banilad Campus

Philippine Society of Information Technology Students
1st  Semester , S.Y. 2009 – 2010



           C programming language is one of the most popular programming languages of all time and there are very few computer architectures for which a C compiler does not exist. One consequence of C's wide acceptance and efficiency is that compilers, libraries, and interpreters of other programming languages are often implemented in C.

            Now that may explain the reason why it is included in every school year’s curriculum of a CCS student of University of Cebu - Banilad. And for the first year students to be guided as they take another path of knowledge, the officers of PSITS planned to have a C Programming Language Tutorial.

            The purpose of the said tutorial is for the CCS students to be exposed to the new terms and topics, and at the same time have advance knowledge beforehand of time. Included on the topics being discussed were introduction to C, defining C programming parts, introduction of valid statements, implicit importation of stdio, kinds of expression like postfix and prefix, and definition of functions.

            The C Tutorial were participated by 20 first year BSIT students though it was open for all CCS students of the university.


            The C Programming Tutorial conducted last July 31, 2010 (Saturday) was held at room 425 at exactly 1:00 – 5:00 pm.  The venue is conducive for learning because it is well-ventilated and at the same time it was held on a Saturday afternoon that’s why the heat was not a hindrance for the student’s who were very eager to listen.


            There were three (3) speakers during the tutorial session namely Mr. Oliver Tamboboy (2nd year IS representative), Mr. Jose Marlon Ancajas (4th year IS representative), and our very own Mr. Mark Noel Georpe (president). All of them have the knowledge on the said programming language, enough for the students to trust them.


·         “There must only be one speaker so that the students’ attention will be focused to that particular person. Though it is good to have more speakers so that they can share ideas, having more than one could be confusing in the part of the student.”
·         “The speakers must catch the attention of the students.”
·         “The tutor must be ready of what he/she will teach.”
·         “Be sure that the sample program to be shown to the students was successfully built. (No more errors)”
·         “They must have been aware that the student’s especially first year are not fond of reading announcements and that might explain the less number of participants during the tutorial.”


            We would like to recommend about the transition of speakers since there were three of them. They should have organized their parts so that the topics already discussed by the other will not be repeated for it was just a waste of time and effort. Participants should be comfortable for them to focus only with the discussion proper.

Prepared by:

KAREN L. POLIGRATES                                                                           
Documentation Committee        
Documentation Committee                                                   

Documentation Committee

Noted and Checked by:

President, PSITS

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